Four years ago Brad and Rhi along with their four children Char,Ted,Frank and Sage found themselves living in a caravan in nanny grotbags garden. As we’ve previously documented this unfortunate circumstance arose due to Brad & Sam having to close their business due to withdrawal of a financial backer.
Brad and Rhi were on their arse with no money and nowhere to live.They needed to cut costs and do something drastic. The boss lady and Brad agreed that to go forward they would have to go backwards.
At this time the only asset they had was a range rover. They sold this and with the money raised they brought a smaller car and a caravan to live in.
Everything was affordable for the family and they were settled as the outgoings went down. Brad had a year plan to graft hard and save everything he could. By achieving this he could get back on his feet and to get Rhi and kids back into a house.
After grafting for a year Brad and Rhi had enough money to move out the caravan and rent a house. Brad stuck to his word and had fulfilled his year plan.
Since they fell flat on their arse the plan has always been to get Rhi and the kids back into a house of their own. The positivity and will to never lye down has enabled the success.
Working 7 days a week for the last 4 years has seen The Bald Builders brand grow to have a worldwide fanbase and from just Brad & Sam in a van they now have a 15 strong team working hard across all platforms.
The hard graft and determination from Brad & The Bald Family turned his dream into reality, and Finally in December 2022 the Hanson's got the keys to their lovely family home. Bricks and mortar they can now say is their own.
The house is 100 years old but a blank canvas for the family to transform. Brad & Rhi want to give the house a new lease of life but feel it's important to maintain the original features. A really exciting project that they are buzzing for you all to see the progress unfold on their social media platforms.
The big refurb will be happening in 2023