Simon Heath Star of The Crafty Countryman series opens up about his life, and explains what a massive impact art had for him growing up.
In these mini articles we will start from the beginning, and over the following months we will follow his journey from a boy to a master craftsman.
This has not been an overnight success this has been years of hard graft
A fascinating story of a wonderfully talented man
Simon Heath - The Craftsman's Journey in His Words Part 8
Even when I was married and had children, I would spend every chance I had to go down to the shed and start making walking sticks, at that stage I was making them more for myself and later selling them at country shows and craft fares. In those days country shows were still about the country, with lots of like minded people from rural life, who not only attended but were producing country crafts from hurdle making to carving bow making.
The shows now are very expensive to go to, and not only that they have become very commercialised and not really proper country shows anymore.
Because of this I turned to supplying shops, mainly gun shops locally and in London. I supplied Holland & Holland, William & Son and Asprey which I did very well with. I also provided my works of art to a stick shop in Arundel who solely specialised in walking sticks and umbrellas. My friend Stewart sold my sticks all over the world, until he recently retired and moved to the West Country.